Below is a list of helpful resources for those interested in entertainment law and the entertainment industry.
General Entertainment Industry | | | | Entertainment Law: Forms and Analysis
Music Law
Nolo: Music Law: How to Run Your Band’s Business, by Rich Stim | All You Need to Know About the Music Business, by Donald Passman | The Plain and Simple Guide to Music Publishing, by Randall Wixen | The Future of the Music Business, by Steve Gordon | How to Make It in the New Music Business, by Ari Herstand | Music Publishing: The Complete Guide, by Steve Winogradsky | What They’ll Never Tell You about the Music Business, by Peter M. Thall | Hofstra Law Music Law Resource Guide | The Music Business Contract Library, by Greg Forest
Film and Television Law
The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers, by Thomas Crowell | Dealmaking in the Film & Television Industry, by Mark Litwak | Hollywood Dealmaking: Negotiating Talent Agreements, by Dina Appleton and Daniel Yankelevits | Clearance & Copyright for Film and Television, by Michael Donaldson and Lisa Callif | Contracts for the Film & Television Industry, by Mark Litwak
Theater Law
Business and Legal Forms for Theater, by Charles Grippo | Theater Law: Cases and Materials, by Robert M. Jarvis et al | From Option to Opening: A Guide to Producing Plays Off-Broadway, by Donald C. Farber
Small Business Law
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Law, by Constance Bagley and Craig Dauchy | LLC Operating Agreements Line by Line, by Frank Ciatto and Joseph Walker Jr. | Deal Terms, by Alex Wilmerding
Photography Law
The Professional Photographer’s Legal Handbook, by Nancy E. Wolff | Legal Handbook for Photographers: The Rights and Liabilities of Making and Selling Images, by Bert P. Krages
The Seay Firm is located at 750 Piedmont Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. Call (404) 856-6721 or contact us to schedule an appointment.