Atlanta entertainment lawyer John Seay contributed a Q&A-style article on issues relating to copyright (and specifically targeting playwrights) on the Working Title Playwrights Blog. Check it out, and while you’re over there, take a minute to learn more about Working Title Playwrights – an Atlanta-based non-profit organization.
Casting a Net: Podcasts, Webcasts, and the Licensing Regime
So you want to start a music podcast. Or, maybe a music webcast. Regardless of which format you choose, you’ll need to acquaint yourself with copyright law and licensing. But how easy it is to license the content you desire varies greatly on whether you opt for a podcast, where users download your episodes (much […]
Owning Your Story: Legal Aspects of Self-Publishing
By: Olivia Clark, Georgia State University College of Law, and John Seay Self-publishing your book or ebook via websites like Amazon, CreateSpace, or Lulu can provide much more immediate results than sending manuscript after manuscript to traditional publishers. However, when you self-publish you are sacrificing the legal counsel that is part of a traditional publisher’s […]
Strike a Pose! Madonna Unwittingly Revives De Minimis in Copyright Law
You’ve finally perfected that note on the French horn. According to the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California though, the sound you make when you blow it probably isn’t sufficiently original and non-trivial to warrant copyright protection. Or at least that was the case on November 18, 2013, when Judge Beverly Reid […]