by John Seay, Atlanta Entertainment Lawyer: The Seay Firm LLC (@TheSeayFirmLLC)
This article initially appeared a little while ago but was recently posted again on Digital Music News, which is a fantastic source for daily music news and information. The article features insight from two Atlanta-based attorneys, including a friend of mine, trademark guru James Trigg. Clients often ask about trademark registration services. The Seay Firm LLC does perform full trademark searches and registrations and our prices are extremely competitive (read: generally lower) than the prices quoted in the article. The article provides a great summary, particularly for bands (although the same or similar principles apply to all businesses), on the issue of trademark and what it means when you notice that another entity out there is using your same name, either before you started using it or after. If you have questions relating to trademark, or any other area of entertainment law, then feel free to contact us to discuss.
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