Following public suggestion, the U.S. Copyright Office has established new rules allowing for group registration of unpublished works. Whereas previously the number of unpublished works you could register was limited only by what you could upload to the system in an hour, the new system, available only via the online application (and with the deposits […]
Copyright Office Releases Music Licensing Study
On Thursday, February 5, 2015, the U.S. Copyright Office released a massive 245-page music licensing study proposing fairly radical, but in many cases much needed, changes to how music is licensed. As anyone who has ever tried to license music can tell you, the system is long overdue for an overhaul. Many of the changes proposed have […]
Paraguayan Writer Wrongfully Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison on Plagiarism Charges
By John Seay, Atlanta Entertainment Lawyer (@TheSeayFirmLLC) Late last year, I was contacted by an acquaintance of mine who – knowing my background in intellectual property – wanted to tell me the story of her friend, a Paraguayan writer named Nelson Aguilera. She told me that on November 4, 2013, Mr. Aguilera was sentenced to […]
How to Protect an Idea with a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA)
What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement and Do I Need One? Bob was sitting in the tub one day when EUREKA! the idea hit him like a ton of bubble bath: a reality show where celebrities sing popular radio tunes in the shower. Bob, perhaps not the most creative person in the world, is nevertheless enamored […]